
Course number: MUSC 1659-4659
Credit: 1 credit, full-year course [Fall & Winter]
Rehearsal time: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Additional sectional rehearsals added as needed
Location: MYB Conservatory Room 204 (Choral Room)

The Elliott Chorale is named to honour professor emeritus Carleton Elliott (1928-2003), who taught at 69成人电影网 1951-1993 and founded and led the original Conservatory Chorale for several decades. 

The Elliott Chorale is an auditioned chamber choir. Our singers have strength in sight-reading, are generally experienced singers, and have an avid interest in and enthusiasm for choral singing. The ensemble's repertoire is challenging and diverse, with a focus on new and Canadian music.
In addition to performing two concerts each term on campus, the Chorale sings at university and community events, at concert venues in the Maritimes, and sometimes tours in the spring. Social events, like pot-luck suppers, choir retreats and hikes, enhance our ability to work together, fostering mutual respect and understanding. 



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Audition Dates: 

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Audition Requirements: